" Cat, I not going to be your whore, I know how the game works and I refuse to get caught up in it." I said sharply and placed the card on the bar. Wiping his face in frustration, Marcus replied angrily while talking through his teeth, "So this has been a game to you, you my whore now?" "When have you ever known me to cheat? NEVER! When have you ever cheated, NEVER, what took place between us meant something it is bigger than just sex!" " I thought I was making love to a my friend who needed me as much as I needed her! Your body spoke volumes to mine, we touched each other in places no one has ever discovered. I lefted a mark on your inner thigh, did he even notice? Hell no, because he doesnt go there, does he? That night was special, something magicial for me at least but for you it was some type of game?" He pointed his finger in my face and was about to say,"Fu... but I interrupted him before he could complete his dejection. "Don't you dare curse at me Cat, who do you think I am?" I said sternly. "No, it's who do you think I am? I thought what happen in Charleston would enhance our relationship but you look at me differently, like I am going to hurt you, I would never hurt you,never have and never will, haven't I proven that to you." "Hell, yes, I want to love you again and again, but is that wrong of me?" "Answer me?" Marcus said while he held my chin so I wouldn't look away.
Speechless, I couldn't answer him but before I could he said, "Your eyes say it all, you know I know dearheart." And he kissed me lightly on my lips. "Cat, I can't.. " was all I could muster out of my mouth before he covered my lips with him finger. "Shh.. remember there's no such word as can't, we learned that in kindergarten" he said with a sly smile. Just before I could get on my soap box about all the wrongs of this mess, the dj interrupts by announcing , "Ladies & gentlemen, the distinguish men of Omega Psi Phi are about to set this evening off for our brother, Marcus The Cat Jones, where my dogs at?" With that the music began pumping George Clinton, "Dog catcher", and the backyard erupts into men barking everywhere. "This has your signature all over it." Marcus said shoving me slightly on the shoulder quickly changing from wanna be loverman to homeboy barking back to his frat brothers. Rushing from the bar to the poolside, to join the steppers, Marcus turns and yells, "Anna Mae you betta not leave my card on the bar before you eat the cake!" "You know you're stupid right?" I shout back. "Yeah and so are you!" Marcus says smiling as he grabs Shannon around the waist kissing her on the neck as if the debate between us a few minutes ago never took place.
"He says it's not a game but what is this?" I say to myself. "Know the rules and know your place on the board, I am just the friend no more no less just the friend" I pick up the credit card and walk over to Mama Pansy with the iced teas. "Oh here is my baby girl, looking good as ever. I see you and Cat got over the riff between you and him, baby don't let your friendship die, cause in this life that you don't have many folks you can truly call friend." "Do you hear what I'm saying to you," she said looking over her glasses with same piercing green eyes as Cat's. "Continue to love one another and to work it out, do you hear me?" "Yes ma'am, I said as I held her hand. But in the back of my mind I was wondering what had he told his mama? She looked at me and said, " Cat and you weren't meant to be married, she chuckled, "you would have killed each other by now, you're too much alike." I remember when you all were playing in the backyard and he climbed that big oak tree and you didn't want him to out do you so you climbed it too and fell breaking your arm. Remember how he became so tender toward you until you healed?" "That's all he is trying to do now child, he sees that you're hurting and he wants to be your healer."" she said rubbing my cheeks. "Let him, be," she said tenderly. I wanted to say "Mama Pansy my heart is not the only thing your son wants to heal and to be honest, I want him to heal more too", but I smile and kiss her hand.
The party is explosive, the music is fierce and the food is awesome, there are enough guest where Marcus and I don't cross paths often and when we do he was holding his beautiful wife and in my heart I love seeing him smile with such a beautiful and smart woman on his arms. On the other hand, David & Henry kept the wolves away from me when my wedding rings didnt seem to be a distraction. While watching the other guest dancing, Henry comes up from behind and wraps his arms around my shoulders whispering, "I got these freaky hoes clapping there hands stomping there feet. Every now and then they put there mouth on me" "Are you drunk?" what are you talking about? I asked him puzzled. "Look near the buffet, that's the butt naked massage girl I told you about, girl act like you my date?" he laughing said "You just nasty, I should let your behind get caught?" Come on let's dance."

Ironically, while walking to the dance floor the music changes from fast to slow playing Joe's "All of the things your man won't do." Now all night long I have avoided Marcus but here he is sits like the black lightskinned version of Scarface's Tony Montana with his back to the crowd, staring a hole straight through me while forming a V with his whipped cream covered fingers and slowly licking them to the beat.....
JayJon Heritage Communications & Entertainment Group
"May I Have Your Attention Please!"
The suspense builds
This is torture. LOL
Bambie Girl!!! WOW!!! I am speachless and you know that don't happen.... LOL!!! When I am ready to write my book, we will get GET PAID!!!! You know WHT MEAN!!!! I have a story for SURE!!!! LOLOLOLOL
Steve thanks for Posting this!!!!
I gotta know what happens! Can a sista get the rest of the story...
Its good to see good black writers
Keep it comin' girl!!!
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